
Audible Podcast Program Information






Who is Audible? is the leading provider of digital audiobooks. We have over 85,000 titles to choose from in every genre; thrillers, business, history, science fiction and more. Audible content is compatible with iPods, mp3 players and over 800 devices for listening anytime, anywhere.

What is the Audible Podcast Program?
Audible offers a podcast program which compensates podcasters for leads they generate on behalf of Audible.  

How will I send my listeners to Audible through the Podcast Program?
In our podcast program, we create a custom URL for you to refer your visitors to. It will look like this:  Each time your URL is visited, it will be tracked within the NETexponent Network.

How much will I make when I refer Audible trials?
For every free download and free 14 day trial you refer, you will receive $10.00 USD.

When do I get paid?
Payments are sent monthly by check.

Who is NETexponent? 
NETexponent is an Online Direct Response Agency that builds Custom Partnership Networks for Efficiency Driven Advertisers. We help a wide variety of website publishers earn revenue through our exclusive partnership with leading e-marketers. For more information, visit

What is the NETexponent Affiliate Network?
Audible uses the NETexponent Affiliate Network as its technology provider.  All tracking and payment will be made through the NETexponent Affiliate Network.  After you sign up to the NETexponent Affiliate Network here, you can login to your account, by visiting

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Please contact